Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Old Angry Black Men

I find the entire Rev Wright situation very puzzling. One of the most important things I was taught coming up is to respect my elders. I truly do that. I listen to what my mother & father say though I feel they are wrong quite often. That is just my parents. Let's take into account some of the things people the age of my grandparents say and think. There is a point in black lineage where people are mad. It's going to take a whole lot to stop them from being mad. Like the saying goes I forgive you but I can't forget. These people may have stated that they have forgiven America as a whole but they will not forget. Let's look directly at the Obama situation. If he is guilty of anything, it is trying to politically handle this situation. Simply be open. Powerfuly say Rev Wright is family as many people consider theit pastors family. I cannot and will not disown my mother over comments that she makes which I don't agree with. I can and will answer for comments I make, but have no control over others. I consider myself a leader. One of the most important things for a leader is to know how to follow but the way to distiguish a following person is knowing when to stand out and display differences from the person leading.